What are your Health and Safety Guidelines During the Pandemic?
We ask that all families and nannies comply with all guidelines recommended by the Canadian Government and local public health authority in regard to COVID- 19.
Upon registration, we are asking all parents and nannies their vaccination status. We are accommodating all requests (from both the nanny and the parents) if they require the other party to have a certain level of vaccination and using this information to ensure that they are well matched.
In order to minimize exposure during the interview process, we have implemented a few stages:
1) The parent(s) and the nanny meet at a pre-arranged time over Zoom
2) After a successful Zoom meeting, we arrange for the nanny to meet the family in person. This is either indoors or outdoors depending on everyone's comfort level, and we ask that appropriate masks are worn. We also ask the nanny to wash and sanitize their hands upon arrival.
Once the nanny is hired by the family, we encourage open communication surrounding individual comfort levels, increased risk of exposure, sick days, and what to do if any family member or the nanny experiences any symptoms or tests positive. Communication is key.
In Ontario, here is a great resource to help you answer any COVID related questions: Confused About COVID?